MD in Medicine and Surgery at Universidad Complutense of Madrid
Teaching activity
Associated teacher at Health Science in Gynecology and Obstetrics Department, Medicine Faculty (Hospital Universitario de las Fuerzas Aéreas) at Universidad Complutense of Madrid.
Associated teacher at Nurse University at San Pablo CEU of Madrid
Teacher at Master courses in Edoscopic surgery organized by Obstetrics and Gynecology Service at Hospital Ruber Internacional of Madrid
Assistance activity and Academic Merits
Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology doctor at Hospital Gregorio Marañón of Madrid
Resident doctor in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Hospital Gregorio Marañón of Madrid
Chief gynecological oncology and Endoscophy section at Hospital Universitario del Aire
Colaboration doctor in Obstetrics and Gynecology service at Unidad de la Mujer, Hospital Ruber Internacional of Madrid
Doctor in charge of endoscopy in Oncological Gynecology Service at Hospital Gregorio Marañón of Madrid
University Diploma at Universidad Europea of Madrid. Certificate of surgical endoscopic in gynecology at D’Auverge French University
American Association of Gynecologist Laparoscopist (Title of American Society Laparoscopic AAGL)
4 investigation projects on course
75 communications and lectures in National Congresses
12 communications and lectures in International Congresses